January 6, 2011


Yay I got a blogger award! So fun, thank you Lidia and everyone be sure to check out her blog "The Girl Behind the Fashion Mask"

Couple requirements in accepting this award....must list 7 things about yourself and nominate 15 other stylish bloggers out there. (thats easy!)

About me...hmmmm:

1. I only like love/drama and funny movies...Horror films and action flicks give me anxiety and its impossible for me to watch.

2. I have an obsession with collecting things...not quite hoarding status BUT I just like to have some of everything.

3. Animals are my weakness...I would have a zoo if I could afford it...anything fluffy...I die :)

4. I hate milk...bleh...only in cereal...thats as close as I will get to drinking it.

5. I moved to California by myself 5 1/2 years ago...from Nebraska.

6. I can't sing...I talk really loud...Guess I can't hear myself to well.

7. I'm the most clumsy person I have ever met...I run into every corner and trip over everything....everything...Five inch heels are my shoes of choice....

15 Stylish Bloggers...This is tough cause I think most of the blogs I follow have super stylish people.

Style isn't about the brand or the type of clothing its about how a person wears it and puts it together.
This is in no order just some of my faves :)

Fashion Forestry
Jenny From The Block
Page Sixxx
Crimson Rosella
Curves Ahead Makeup
The Honeybee
Superficial Girls
Lolita Says So
Nadia Aboulhson
Anchor Rose
Le Kiss Kiss

Thanks Again Sweetness!!!



Ninjagaiden78 said...

Congrats girl!
I like your outfits.
Many more to come I hope.


Kirstin said...

Yay, I am so flattered lady! I can't wait to check out the other stylish bloggers:)

Curves Ahead lifestyle blogger said...

omg this is so aweosme thanks so much I'm try honored for this award especially coming from you its awesome !!!

thanks DOll


wow..I'm so excited! You're too sweet! thank you soooo much my love! It really means a lot. what should i do to redeem it?!

Bronzed Humanity said...


Yay! Im glad you like it...keep up the good work on your blog I love it!!

Bronzed Humanity said...

@Curves ahead makeup

Awww yay im glad your excited...i heart you blog mucho...you have some great stuff keep it up!

Bronzed Humanity said...

@Nadia Aboulhosn

Yay no problem! Just follow the instructions and copy and paste photos if you would like!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Congrats on the award! It is totally well-deserved. xoxo

Magdalińska said...

I love animals too :)


thanks so much for nominating me! that makes me so happy! I will put it on my blog this week!

have a great weekend!



Indian Sarees said...

Your blog is really nice.. Love it..

Jamie-Lee Burns said...

Congratulations lovely, and thank you for [passing this on to me, am super flattered!! x

Anonymous said...

Love the post :) Thank you for linking me back! XOXO Lidia

Andee Layne said...

thanks for the love girl! xoxo

modanista junkie said...

Lovely facts!! OMG me too! I love animals. If I were rich I would rescue all the animals from the shelters and pounds.


Jardin de la Mode said...

Congratulations dear! Great post!

p.s.: only one day left to enter my giveaway